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Enrolment is the final stage before starting your course with us and takes place within the last two weeks of August. We require you to be available to attend your appointment in person at college, so we can complete all the required steps to enrolling you on your chosen course. 

What do I bring to enrolment?   

You must bring: 

  • Your enrolment letter or text message appointment reminder on your phone
  • Any exams results or certificates you have already received. It is particularly important that you bring proof of your Maths and English results with you.   
  • A form of ID (e.g. passport, driving licence, birth certificate, bank card etc)
  • Any references, tasks or other documents relating to your offer on the course. 
  • Any relevant evidence to support exam access arrangements, including Form 8's and any medical evidence.   

If you have applied for A Levels, please ensure you bring a printed copy of your results with you. 

Some courses, such as health and childcare related courses, require a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check. We will need to see additional documents for these, such as proof of current address (letter no older than 3 months). More details will be provided to you in a separate DBS letter if this applies to you.  

What happens if I do not get the grades I was predicted?

Please still attend your appointment. If you have not met your entry requirements (or if you have exceeded them) we will discuss your options when you come in for enrolment.

Who will I meet at enrolment?   

You will meet with the academic staff from your chosen course and a member of our enrolment team, who will help you complete all the final steps to becoming a student.  

When do I start the course?

College term starts Wednesday 4th September. We will let you know the start date of your course and your provisional timetable for induction week at enrolment, including where to go.

How long will the enrolment appointment take?   

Please allow from 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete your enrolment. All enrolment appointments will take place face to face at your chosen college site, unless otherwise specified. 

Can I bring someone with me?

Yes, you are welcome to bring someone with you to your appointment if you require any support.

Where possible, we request each applicant is accompanied by only one other person to help keep numbers manageable during our busiest time of year.

What if I need extra support?

If you require any extra support with your course, please contact our Curriculum Services team on 01603 773311. They will also be available at enrolment to answer any questions.

Do I have to study English and Maths alongside my course?

Good English and Maths are important for your course and for whatever you do after college. You will continue to study English and Maths until you achieve a Grade 4/5 or the end of the academic year you turned 19, whichever is sooner.

What happens if I miss my appointment?   

Please contact our admissions team on 01603 773008 or email and we will look to see how we can help. 

Can someone else attend for me? 

No, we require you to attend your enrolment appointment in person. No one else can enrol on your behalf, as we require you to sign paperwork and have an ID photo taken during your appointment. 

What I if I want to change courses?

Please still attend your scheduled appointment – you can discuss your preferred choice with our teaching staff.

What is Get Yourself Sorted?

Get Yourself Sorted takes place at the end of our main enrolment period and allows late applicants to come into the college and discuss what options are still available for September.

Some enrolment appointments are included as part of Get Yourself Sorted for applicants who submit applications late in the year.


Next: Keeping in touch